Here are some helpful pointers to de-clutter your writing:
Keep your writing style consistent to help your readers easily digest content in any genre, whether it’s for a sales letter or website copy. Write in the same voice and style to keep it simple.
Sweet writers know their audience and how to please them. That means adjusting word choices, sentence structure, and organization based on the end readers’ needs. A lawyer writing to a client would take a much different approach than if she were writing to a fellow lawyer. Technospeak can be perfectly appropriate in writing, but only if your audience is as qualified as you are on the subject matter.
Simple copy balances information like a fine-crafted scale. Keeping overly complex jargon out of copy can be a good tactic because most people don’t have the time or desire to break out Merriam-Webster to untangle meaning. Value your readers’ time by keeping copy informative, but simple enough to create instant understanding.
When it comes to writing, it's key to KISS. You don’t have the added luxury of body language to be able to tell if someone is still with you. Your readers are busy. If you have nothing to prove, except your point, pucker up and KISS.