While it may once have been seen as fluff to fill brochures and web sites, a company’s mission statement is much more powerful than we give it credit for (and it is definitely not impossible to achieve a mission statement that represents everything you and your business are all about!)
If your business doesn’t currently have a mission statement, consider writing one. The mission should be summarized in approximately one sentence, though some are longer (Joe Boxer’s mission statement for example runs three sentences, but is a bit lengthy).
The purpose of stating your company’s mission is to explain as succinctly as possible who you are, what you do, and who your target market is. Not only does the mission statement tell potential customers and clients who you are, it also reveals who you are not.
To see some great examples of mission statements and tips on writing your own, check out this article over at About.com’s Small Business Information site and get started writing yours today. If your business already has a mission statement, what is it? Are you satisfied with the content and message of the mission statement?